Andrei Khaidarov, Microsoft MVP, PhDMastering CALCULATE in DAX: Tips, Tricks, and ExamplesCALCULATE is a powerful function in DAX that allows users to manipulate the context in which a calculation is performed. By doing so, you…Apr 20, 20232Apr 20, 20232
InTDS ArchivebySalvatore CagliariChange your focus over time in DAX MeasuresHow to determine if your investment has paid off when you advertise products over timeMay 19, 2023May 19, 2023
InTDS ArchivebySalvatore CagliariAnalyze performance when aggregating data in Power BI and DAX QueriesWe aggregate data in Power BI all the time. Here I show you how to write queries in DAX to summarize columns to aggregate dataMay 1, 2023May 1, 2023
InMicrosoft Power BIbyParth LadPower BI DAX’s RELATED vs RELATEDTABLE FunctionWhat’s the difference and when to use them.Apr 13, 2023Apr 13, 2023
InMicrosoft Power BIbyParth LadPower BI DAX’s USERELATIONSHIP FunctionThe secret sauce for Role-playing dimension data models in Power BIApr 8, 20232Apr 8, 20232
Andrew HubbardFinding the Highest Value: Exploring MAX(), MAXA(), and MAXX() DAX FunctionsThe MAX, MAXA, and MAXX functions are some of the most commonly used DAX functions in Power BI. These functions are used to find the…Mar 28, 2023Mar 28, 2023
Santhana Lakshmi PonnurasanFrom Good to WOW: Using DAX Statements to Enhance Your Power BI Dashboards- Part 1Contrary to popular belief, DAX statements are not only useful for complex calculations. In fact, when utilized correctly, they can also…Mar 27, 20233Mar 27, 20233
Leonard BagosCalculating Business Metrics for Delivery Company Using DAX MeasuresCalculating some business metrics such as average delivery time using dax measures in Power BIMar 14, 20231Mar 14, 20231
Arpita GoswamiCalculating Working Days using DAX in Power BI.In this article, I will speak about using DAX in Power BI, how to calculate the number of Working Days in between two given dates taking…Mar 25, 20231Mar 25, 20231
InTDS ArchivebySalvatore CagliariOn using intermediary results in DAX MeasuresWe use table variables in DAX all the time. What if we must calculate intermediary results and reuse them in a DAX Measure? Let’s solve…Mar 13, 20231Mar 13, 20231
InTDS ArchivebySalvatore CagliariHow to use FILTER in DAX the correct wayThe FILTER() function in DAX can be challenging to tame. Here are some examples on how to use it and how not.Feb 13, 20232Feb 13, 20232
InMicrosoft Power BIbyBolaji OlatundeCalendar Heatmap Visual in Power BI: A macgyvered approachOne of the common ways to detect or visualize seasonality in data is using a line chart or a variant of a line chart. In this post I show…Sep 23, 20228Sep 23, 20228
Umberto GrandoElevate your data analysis with these 3 new DAX functionsINDEX, OFFSET and WINDOW functions are the new kids on the block in DAX.Dec 21, 20221Dec 21, 20221
InAnalytics VidhyabyArpita GhoshIntroduction to DAX in Power BI Chapter 1This is a step by step tutorial starting with an introduction to operators, function categories, data model components and first hands-on…Apr 20, 2021Apr 20, 2021
InMicrosoft Power BIbyRaghavan PSimple technique to learn DAX for Power BI beginnersAre you new to Power BI and struggling to learn DAX?Dec 4, 20223Dec 4, 20223